Creating Your Own AI Influencer In 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating Your Own AI Influencer In 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide



In the era of digital influence, AI-generated models are taking the stage, and in this tutorial, we’ll explore an advanced method to craft your very own AI influencer. With a focus on user-friendly tools and realistic outcomes, this guide opens the door for anyone to build consistent characters and cultivate a following on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

Click Here To Access Fooocus Google Colab

Key Steps

  1. Accessing Google Colab:
    • Introduce Emily Pelligrini, an AI-generated model and influencer.
    • Highlight her substantial following of 280,000 subscribers and monthly earnings.
    • Emphasize the emergence of a new, more efficient method for creating AI influencers, accessible to everyone.
  2. Creating Your AI Influencer:
    • Share the link to the Google Colab provided in the description.
    • Guide users to connect and execute the initial code cell.
    • Explain the running process on a public URL and direct users to open Focus in a new tab.
  3. Customizing AI Influencer Images:
    • Explore advanced options during image generation, allowing users to tweak resolution, specify the number of images, and use negative prompts.
    • Showcase the Styles tab, offering hundreds of styles for a unique appearance.
  4. Fine-Tuning and Advanced Options:
    • Introduce the Advanced tab for fine-tuning, allowing users to adjust guidance scale, enhancing image clarity and sharpness.
    • Encourage users to experiment with different styles, such as Focus photograph, for a realistic look.
  5. Generating Realistic Results:
    • Demonstrate the image generation process using a text prompt.
    • Highlight the realistic and incredible results, blurring the line between AI-generated and real images.
  6. Advanced Techniques:
    • Guide users on face swapping with different poses and incorporating external references for specific poses or backgrounds.
    • Introduce the inpaint and outpaint features, enabling users to add or modify elements in generated images.
  7. Exploring Video Generation:
    • Tease the possibility of creating videos with the generative model.
    • Encourage users to explore additional resources for video generation, linking to a relevant tutorial.


In conclusion, this tutorial equips users with the knowledge and tools to craft their own AI influencers, offering a glimpse into the remarkable capabilities of AI-generated models. As the digital landscape evolves, this guide empowers individuals to participate in the exciting world of AI influence, blurring the boundaries between reality and synthetic creativity.