Google to Develop Gemini-Powered Chatbots Offering Companionship with Celebrity Personas


Google is reportedly developing AI-powered chatbots that can mimic various personas, aiming to create engaging conversational interactions. These character-driven bots, powered by Google’s Gemini model, are designed to offer companionship with customizable celebrity personas. This innovative project aims to create engaging, character-driven interactions.

The Gemini-powered chatbots will allow users to interact with their favorite celebrities in a more personalized and immersive way. Each chatbot will have a unique personality and can perform specific tasks for which it is created. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with celebrities and AI systems.

Google’s Gemini model is a sophisticated language model that can process individual words and comprehend the context of conversations. This technology is a testament to the company’s efforts to compete in the rapidly growing field of generative artificial intelligence.

The Gemini-powered chatbots will be available to Gemini Advanced users, who pay a subscription fee of $20 per month. This subscription-only service will provide users with access to more advanced features and capabilities.


Here is a diagram illustrating the concept of Gemini-powered chatbots:

cssCopy codegraph LR
    A[User] -->|Interacts with|> B[Chatbot]
    B -->|Powered by|> C[Gemini Model]
    C -->|Customizable|> D[Celebrity Persona]
    D -->|Unique Personality|> E[Specific Tasks]

Google’s Gemini-powered chatbots will offer companionship with celebrity personas, providing users with a more personalized and immersive experience. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with celebrities and AI systems.

Which celebrities will have Gemini-powered chatbot personas?

No specific celebrities have been announced or confirmed to have Gemini-powered chatbot personas.

According to the provided contexts, there is no information on who has been approached for the project, and there is no word on who the virtual celebrities will be based on. The reports only mention that the personalities will likely come from YouTube and that the chatbots can be modeled after a celebrity or be made by users based on their imagination.

Information is missing on the specific celebrities involved in the project.

Which YouTube influencers will get Gemini-powered chatbots?

There is no specific information available on which YouTube influencers will get Gemini-powered chatbots.

The reports suggest that Google might partner with influencers and celebrities to create chatbots based on them, but no names have been disclosed.

Assuming that Google will collaborate with popular YouTube influencers, it is likely that they will choose influencers with a large following and engagement. However, without further information, it is impossible to predict which specific influencers will be selected.

Information is missing on the specific YouTube influencers who will get Gemini-powered chatbots.

What’s the role of Ryan Germick in Google’s chatbot project?

Ryan Germick is leading the project of Google’s celebrity chatbots. He is a long-time designer for the company and a former steward of Google Doodles . Germick is currently seeking collaborations with influencers and celebrities for this project

What is the expected platform for Google’s celebrity chatbots, led by Germick?

The expected platform for Google’s celebrity chatbots, led by Ryan Germick, is Google Labs. This is where the feature is initially expected to be launched before a wider rollout

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